Some Projects by
O'Connor Technical Systems


(click on the links and pictures for more info)


Patent Info
Sibling Cycle(tm) thumbnailSibling Cycle FrameAdult Tricycle with rear seat for children
Stylish design. Rear seat comfortably carries three children.

[More] - [Article]

Sibling Cycle®, Inc.
Louellen Berger
Client is named inventor
At-home Traction Kott HomeTrac sideview Portable at-home lumbar traction system
Helps patients avoid hospital stays

[More] - [Article]

K and D Home Health Equipment, Inc.
Client is named inventor
Microarterial Bridge Microarterial Connector

Micro-arterial connector
Biomedical device to aid in reattaching severed fingers

Dr. Thomas Crais
Client is sole named
inventor on patent no.
Nurses Pocket LevelTelescoping pocket level
Helps nurses to level bedside monitors and sensors
Nursing Knowledge, Inc.


Hi-production Cup MachineAutomated, Hi-Production Cup Decorating Machine
Automated machine for hot-stamped foil decoration of plastic souvenir cups
(i.e. - Mardi-Gras throw cups)

[article] - [article]

Hot-Stamped Cups, Inc.
Trade Secret
Cup Personalizer thumbnail

Personalizer Patent imageTable top machine for personalizing souvenir cups
Machine for adding personal messages to plastic drinking cups. Makes it practical to inexpensively produce personalized cups for small parties.

Promotions Plus, Inc.


Tuna Slabbing MachineTuna Slabber
Apparatus for automated processing of frozen tuna fish into slabs.
Laitram, Inc.


Precision Cutter for Plastic Parts (for international use)Module Cutter
Apparatus for precision cutting of plastic parts (Conveyor Modules)
Intralox, Inc.


Portable in-Box Plastic Parts Warmer (for international use)In-box Part Warmer
Warms parts to improve cutting properties.
Intralox, Inc.


Plastic Rod Heading Machine (for international use)
Machine for molding heads on plastic hinge pin rods
Intralox, Inc.
Trade Secret
Pivot Rod InserterHand-held Pivot Rod Insertion Tool (for international use)
Hand-held device for gripping and pushing small diameter plastic rod hinge pins into modular conveyor belts. Helps prevent repetitive stress injuries.
Intralox, Inc.


O'CTS Project size range:
(Services of O'CTS & Professional Associates)
  • Product Development - $9,000 to $150,000
  • Machine Design - $30,000 to $300,000
  • Technical Consulting - One hour (min.) $95

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Last Updated: Wednesday, 07 February, 2001